For foreign investors, Dubai is profitable because of its strategic location, business-friendly environment, and tax incentives.

A common query is ‘whether a foreigner is allowed to register a company in Dubai without being physically present.’ The answer is, without a doubt, yes.

The emergence of the latest technology and fast-track start-up platforms, such as the Invest Dubai online platform make it easy for entrepreneurs to remotely open a business in Dubai.

Read on as we shed light on the process of registering a company in Dubai.

Registering a Company Remotely: An Overview

Dubai has made significant strides in facilitating business setups for international investors. The process of registering a company remotely has been simplified, and you can complete all the necessary steps without setting foot in the UAE. Here’s how:

Simplified Steps for Basic Business Activities

These steps are tailored for basic, generic activities. For more specialized activities, especially those requiring special approvals from external regulatory authorities, the process can become more complex both before and after licensing. In such cases, we can handle all the necessary approvals for you, ensuring a smooth process from start to finish.

Initial Approval Before Trade Name

The first step is to obtain initial approval, which must be done before securing your trade name.

Establishment Card

An establishment card is essential if the investor needs a visa. This is the first requirement. It’s also necessary if you plan to hire staff. Following this, you’ll need to handle processes such as e-signature card issuance and opening a labor file.

Bank Account

Opening a bank account can be particularly challenging. As we’ve discussed, it’s a complex process, and our expertise will help people who looking for a business bank account.  Doing it on your own can be difficult, but with our expertise, the process becomes significantly smoother and faster.

Invest Dubai

While the Invest Dubai platform simplifies many aspects of the licensing process, there are numerous situations where the process needs to shift offline. In these cases, a consultant takes over, managing the offline procedures with the Department of Economic Development (DED).

By handling these complexities, we ensure that your business setup is as seamless as possible.

1. Engage Expert Business Consultants

The first step is engaging with expert business consultants specializing in Dubai’s business setup processes. These consultants will guide you through the process and ensure all legal requirements are met. They will need some basic details from you, including:

  • Your contact information
  • Company name suggestions
  • A photo
  • A scanned copy of your passport

2. Create a Login on Invest Dubai

Invest Dubai is an online platform the Dubai government provides to facilitate business registrations. The consultants will use the information you provided to create a login on this platform on your behalf.

3. Verify Your Profile

Once the login is created, the next step is to verify your profile. This involves confirming your identity and ensuring that all the details provided are accurate. The platform may require additional documentation, which your consultants will handle.

4. Confirm Your Trade Name

Choosing a trade name is a critical step in the registration process. The name must comply with Dubai’s naming regulations and should not be similar to any existing company name. The consultants will help you confirm the availability and appropriateness of your trade name.

5. Obtain Initial Approval

After verifying your profile and confirming your trade name, the next step is to obtain initial approval from the relevant authorities. This approval indicates that the authorities have no objection to you starting a business in Dubai.

6. Acquire the Trade License

The trade license is a crucial document that officially allows you to conduct business in Dubai. The type of license you need depends on the nature of your business. The consultants will apply for the trade license on your behalf and ensure all necessary documents are submitted.

Register a Company in Dubai

Additional Steps

1. Obtain the Establishment Card

The establishment card, also known as the company card, is required for hiring employees and sponsoring visas. Your consultants can also help you complete this step remotely.

2. Open a Bank Account

Once your company is registered, you might need a corporate bank account. Many banks in Dubai allow the process to be initiated online, although you might need to visit the bank in person at a later stage.

3. Visa Processing

If you plan to relocate to Dubai or hire employees, you’ll need to process visas. Your consultants can assist with visa applications and liaise with the immigration authorities on your behalf.

Benefits of Registering a Company Remotely

  • Convenience: The most significant advantage of registering a company remotely is convenience. You can handle all the paperwork and administrative tasks from the comfort of your home without the need for frequent travel.
  • Cost-Effective: By not having to travel to Dubai, you save on travel and accommodation costs. This cost-saving can be particularly beneficial for startups with limited budgets.
  • Expert Guidance: Business consultants bring invaluable expertise to the table. They understand the intricacies of Dubai’s business landscape and can navigate potential pitfalls, ensuring a smooth registration process.
  • Time-Saving: The process of setting up a company can be time-consuming. Using online platforms and expert consultants makes the process more efficient, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business.
  • Compliance Assurance: Ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations is crucial. Business consultants ensure that all legal requirements are met, reducing the risk of future legal issues.


Currently, it is possible to register a company in Dubai even if you don’t live there by leveraging modern technology and engaging professional business consultants. The Invest Dubai online platform facilitates the entire process from the comfort of your home. You can create your account, verify your profile, and obtain a trade license and an establishment card. This streamlined procedure ensures a simple and prompt establishment of your business in Dubai.

Need Help?

If you’re looking to start a business in Dubai and need assistance with the process, Syed Aadil can help you navigate every step, ensuring a smooth and successful setup.

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